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Jack Hummba

Hummba Blog

Thursday, 26 July 2012

Top 5 Hummba Tips to Travel Light

Airline baggage allowances are the bane of every traveller and if by now you haven’t mastered the ability to travel light, then you’re in for a bumpy ride.

The world’s major airlines allow for baggage of between 20- and 30-kilograms, and most of us can deal with that. But find me someone who’s never been a little over the allowance at least once during their travels and I’ll have to start checking how often they wear the same clothes. That being said, here are a few handy travel tips to help you “lose a few kilos”.

Use a smaller bag:
This self-imposed baggage limit will save you a lot of hassle in the long run. Do you really need to take that extra pair of fancy dress shoes half way across the world? Take a smaller bag and stop yourself from even thinking about packing the unnecessary items. 
Many airlines also allow you to check in online before you’ve arrived at the airport. This means that if you’ve only got a small carry-on bag and nothing to hand in, then you’ll speed up the process even more.

Check the weather:
Your clothing will most likely take up the bulk of your packing space. That’s why figuring out what to wear before you head off is always a good idea. Lose the thermal underwear if you’re planning on spending most of your time on the beach. Unless you’re heading off into a monsoon, then rather opt for the lightweight, water resistant jacket instead of the heavy all-weather coat. Packing dark colours is also a good idea, as these tend to dry faster than lighter ones. 
When in doubt, refer to our next tip.

Buy it there:
This is a tip taken from seasoned traveller, Tim Ferriss – author of Four Hour Work Week. Ferriss says one of his top tips for travelling light is to allocate a small amount of money to a “settling fund”. Items like bottles of sunscreen and umbrellas are cumbersome and difficult to pack. They can easily be bought at your destination, so rather leave them at home. This will add to your travel expenses, obviously, but it will be considerably cheaper than paying hefty airline baggage penalties.

Leave the guide books at home:
Owning a comprehensive travel guide to your favourite travel destinations is all well and good, if you’re at home. Why subject yourself to lugging the book half way across the world with you? Adding to that, it may even be outdated by the time you arrive. The Hummba mobile travel app can easily be downloaded onto your iPhone or Android mobile and is even more useful. Drop the guide book and go mobile.

Roll, don’t fold:
According to OneBag.com, folding your clothes into neat little squares is not as efficient as you may think. It’s also the best way to crease your clothes. 
Rather lay your jackets, dresses, shirts, trousers, t-shirts and shorts on top of one another (in that order) and roll them up. Put your socks in the middle and wrap your clothes around them. You’ll find you have a lot more space to play with if you use this method, and your clothes will come out looking a lot better as well.

These are just a few tips you can use to save some space when packing for your holiday. Remember to visit Hummba.com before you leave and download a mobile audio travel guide. That way you’ll have at least one of the points covered.

Happy travels!

1 comment:

  1. These are awesome tips Jonathan! I'm definitely going to make sure to share your post with my travel companions especially the roll don't fold method. Thank you for sharing with us!



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